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Some days

It's as if I want to keep a secret from the world. Some days, I actually have events that occur... but I still don't feel like posting. It's like a certain feeling of reluctance. A feeling that maybe I should keep what happened to me today, my thoughts today, and my life today to myself. It's not even as if anything special happened. Maybe it's BECAUSE nothing special happened that I'm reluctant to write. But then, I've written about what happens when less has happened.

Maybe this is PMS.


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Posted by Kim @ 03:12 PM PST

1 has spoken

PMS again, huh?

This is kind of related to what you're saying, but I'm worried that I'm getting sucked into the internet. In the past few months, my usage has skyrocketed. I log on for no reason when I'm bored. Yeah some info doesn't need to be blogged.

Posted by Michelle @ 09/05/2001 03:29 PM PST

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