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My first kiss wasn't all too special. It was on Valentine's day of 8th grade with a boy who gave me a flower. It felt exactly like I imagined it, somebody's lips on my lips. Like any skin touching skin.

I didn't really like it at all.

Not until this past year or so, have I really felt something whenever I kiss someone. Especially that first kiss. The kiss that comes after waiting, thinking, weighing the risks and making the decision to just do it. That kiss... there are no words to describe the feeling.

So soft, with lips slightly parted the first peck... and then the second, harder kiss that makes the whole thing something real and not imagined. It becomes something more than just lips touching lips... The body just reverberates with the feeling of 'yummmm'.

Sigh. And yet, I'm sitting here in my room all alone.

Maybe I'll go masturbate now.


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Posted by Kim @ 01:13 AM PST

4 have spoken

toru... do i know you?

Posted by shozo [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 10/01/2001 09:01 AM PST

/me masturbates to thought of kim masturbating.... ^^;


kim you're such a horny little girl and i want it all right now...and can we have more pics like webcam pic 24...kthxbye

Posted by jason g. [e-meo] @ 09/30/2001 10:51 PM PST

Hey shozo, don't forget top share teh wealth man. (slides ichimanyen bill under palm) we're all brothers here right? (winks)

Posted by Toru @ 09/30/2001 02:19 AM PST

-wanders into room

oh.. dont mind me. im just passing through.

-snaps a few pics of the "GOOD STUFF"
-runs away

Posted by shozo [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 09/30/2001 01:59 AM PST

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