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on my mind

i've decided that starting tomorrow morning, i'm going to appreciate life more. or at least attempt to. i'm going to look at my life and play "what's right with this picture?" and "what can i do with this picture to make it more right?" instead of "what's wrong with this picture" and "fuck that, i'm going to sleep".

i'm going to be strong and take whatever the world gives to me tomorrow. i'm going to do what i say i'm going to do. i'm going to work hard to not make promises i can't keep. i'm going to try my best on my homework even if i don't know what the fuck's going on.

if you think i'll forget all my resolutions by tomorrow night, raise your hand!


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Posted by Kim @ 02:12 AM PST

2 have spoken

making yourself appreciate life more isn't a matter of whether or not something good happens, i think. it's like, making the little good things that happen become nicer. like the smell of sunshine after rain. the way a friend smiles at you when you pass them. a pretty flower on the side of the road. all things that make me appreciate living more. :)

Posted by kim @ 11/15/2001 09:41 AM PST

hmmm, interesting, i never thought about appreciating life more, is it possible to make yourself appreciate life more? i always rely on something to come at me which makes me appreciate life more, which then ends up making me un-appreciate life more, ah well, que sera, sera

Posted by trevor [virtual dwelling] @ 11/14/2001 05:31 PM PST

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