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peace of mind

hi. i feel better now. i know i said that a lot of times, but i really do feel as if i feel better now. it's as if i finally accepted that something like you could happen to me. i thought that seeing you a lot would crush me... i thought that it would make me cry and make me feel tired of life.

i guess it did at first... but somehow i feel a lot better now. i heal pretty quickly, i guess. i don't know what it is that's changed me like this. maybe it's new friends. new people in my life. maybe its because for the first time in my life i've begun to see up close the realities of the way people really are.

i don't know what it is, but i like it. it's almost a newfound freedom, except it's something that i've always had. i don't think i hate people like you. at first i thought i would, forever and ever. but i just smile at my silliness now. i was just mad because i was wrong about you and everyone else was right.

i'm out.


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Posted by Kim @ 06:08 PM PST

3 have spoken

yea kim! keep watching angelic layer, that's what keeps me going... but i'm missing episode 20!!!

Posted by ameer [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 12/13/2001 12:48 PM PST

Haha wow that's how i felt when i finally got over my first girlfriend... after two years.

Posted by Chris @ 12/12/2001 08:12 PM PST

Kim, you are such a cutie! Your webcam pictures rock! I'm glad things seem to be returning to normal. Talk to you later, babe.

Posted by Michelle @ 12/12/2001 06:24 PM PST

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