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I apologize for the long time without posts. I just haven't been feeling very inspired lately. Actually, no. I have been feeling inspired -- I just haven't had computer (or even paper) access at the times when I actually am inspired enough to write something.

Bouts of depression have been hitting me the last few days. Maybe it's all a part of that revertion back into my old self -- I was rather severely depressed at certain points in time back in the day.... Or maybe it's a new type of depression. I really can't tell yet. Regardless, I feel saddened: and for reasons that I can't pinpoint at all.

I've come to some epiphanies about the people whom I surround myself with as well. Too much time to ponder, perhaps... Driving too much [especially under certain conditions] tends to do that to me.


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Posted by Kim @ 08:46 PM PST

2 have spoken

Hey Kim, Im sollie to hear, but I dun't understand why you can't get to your comp and papers and all the stuff. I dunno what to say except keep your head up be strong :-) think happy thoughs eat lots of chocolates and watch lots of pokemon :-)!!! I'll tell you something you actually inspired me to expand html and flash and all thees new stuff on the web Im begining to study and experiment on. You can almost say, that your my all time rival :-p except my page isn't official yet (you jus wait!!).

Posted by The boi blue [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 01/07/2002 06:41 AM PST

kim, where you been at? IM me. liquidjel2002. ok laters =)

Posted by jel [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 01/05/2002 02:27 PM PST

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