25 have spoken
When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute - and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity.
Albert Einstein
thought i'd throw this in there... it's cute
Posted by ameer again @ 03/15/2002 08:21 PM PST
Black men rule. white and asian women come get hooked up with some black well hung studs NOW!
Posted by Dark Cock [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/14/2002 02:19 PM PST
How do you do that? I do you find that joy again? How do you know what makes you happy? I don't... I'm lost...
And Kim, you're the best, you always get me thinking.
Posted by Linda [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/14/2002 02:08 AM PST
the fact that it's relative is simple. remembering that fact is not simple. relative to the rest of the world, we're damn lucky. relative to UCI kids, i feel like a poor boy. but i have to remember that most of the world doesn't have their own computer to surf pages like this before bed...
and uh...
D-MAN, i don't know if it's your intention, but it's 'carpe diem', but if you're doing slang more power to ya, you just seemed big on grammar
Posted by ameer [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/14/2002 12:52 AM PST
We never outgrow wanting to look at pretty balloons. As adults we just know all balloons eventually pop. And as adults, we know it's up to us to make more of those pretty balloons.
Great post Kim. And great cam pic! I love the contrast between the black&white on the left half and all the brilliant colors on the right.
Posted by Vernon [e-meo]
@ 03/13/2002 10:39 PM PST
good post kim. americans will say "ignorance is bliss" because of it, the dutch say "one ducks bread is another's poison".
but the dutch like feeding and poisoning their ducks. and the americans celebrate ignorance like there's no shame in it.
Posted by js [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/12/2002 10:14 PM PST
haha but you know what they say don't throw rocks if you live is a glass house.. i have some spelling errors of my own..in the first line work should be word and in the third know should be now... sorry!!!
Posted by D-man [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/12/2002 06:51 PM PST
OK. First let me go back to my previous statement. Instead of using the work thinking I know realize that I should have used the word worrying. You do not need to be be a victim of worry. It is simply an unhealthy and destructive habit.
Second. In relation to problem solving there is a saying, "When solving a problem you should either accept it, change it, or eliminate it." There are women that always whine and complain about their husband that beats them or holds them down, and yet they continue to stay with them. I feel like saying, "Listen, its your life. Either leave him or stop bitching because if you make no effort to change anything nothing will. My parents have been in NA (narcotics anonymous) since I was very young and from the various meetings I have been to one thing stuck in my head. It is called the Serenity Prayer. It says, "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." This is not only an NA statement either. This prayer is in the bible. This is what I believe in and live by.
Third and final. I mean no disrespect to you shinekomi, but if you are going to use any kind of rational thought and you want to have your point understood by others you might want to try and use correct grammar. I realize you may be foreign to our language and if this is the case you have my deepest apologies I know how tough it is to learn a new language. Well, thats about it.
Peace, Love,CARPE DIAM, and Gambette! D-man
Posted by DUSTMAN (DCGV02) [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/12/2002 06:46 PM PST
and all those things happened in the last 5 months.
last year was pretty crazy too
Posted by dave @ 03/12/2002 05:14 PM PST
After having:
gone through a near-death experience.
watching someone get stabbed.
dodging punches from someone trying to kill me.
watching someone OD.
Experiencing the joys of a certain friend ODing.. twice
being 7k in debt
worrying about debt
and other things i'd rather not mention,
i think i still find joy in making fun of john, james, paul, you, and dan. ahhhhh the simple pleasures in life.
Posted by dave [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/12/2002 05:13 PM PST
Ya know I just told my sister almost the exact same thing like half an hour ago and i told my friend that 2 days ago.....For once i agree with you Kim
Posted by Loke @ 03/12/2002 05:10 PM PST
you can always get something out of thinking. even thinking about stuff that seem like you can never change. at least you've thought about it- and throught this thought process, you can get something out of it. to stop thinking about these things is in a sense living in denial. or in apathy.
anyway, this may sound pretty apathetic also, but jaded people choose to live their lives like that. Okay, so maybe the incidents that make so who they are aren't of their own choosing, but they don't always have to adamantly adhere to those experiences or feelings and judge the world through those views. it's just pretty hard to let go.
Posted by shinekomi @ 03/12/2002 04:40 PM PST
Thats just it though. It dosen't seem like your enjoying it. More like complaining about the things that are wrong with the world... forget it... Its all good in my neighborhood;) I didn't say there was no point in thinkin I said that there was no point in thinking ABOUT things that you can not change. God knows I love to solve things that have a solution but why waste the time if you could instead be having a GOOD time?? Your all a bunch of SHEEP....heh heh not really that didn't have anything to do with anything. ~*Gambatte!!*~
Posted by DUSTMAN (DCGV02) [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/12/2002 12:28 PM PST
I like to think a lot too. Well, never mind, it's my way of life. It's my way of killing time. But yeah, nothing in this universe is permanent and fixed, but we all know that already. =)
Oh by the way, Kimmerz, I don't know if you use Internet Explorer or not, but on some websites, when I bookmark the site to my Favorites folder, there would be a little custom icon next to the bookmark name. But when I add your site to my favorites, I don't see any custom icon. Hey, what gives? :-)
Posted by babysharka @ 03/12/2002 01:39 AM PST
I think, therefore I am.
HELLz yeahzzzz
Posted by Marc [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/12/2002 01:03 AM PST
See, that's where you have things all backwards. It might seem rather strange to you, but thinking is actually something I LIKE to do. I DO enjoy it.
What's the point of thinking? What's the point of anything then? It's my hobby, just because you may not enjoy it doesn't mean that I'm not enjoying it.
Posted by kim @ 03/12/2002 12:46 AM PST
From the posting of yours, kim, that I have read I believe that you think too much. Instead of trying to disect and understand every emotion why not just enjoy? I used to think about things that way and would always end up in tears. I would literaly freak myself out with the mysteries of the universe... WHAT THE HELL IS THE POINT IN THAT!? CARPE DIAM!!
Posted by Dustman (DCGV02) [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/11/2002 10:29 PM PST
are you bi?
Posted by .. @ 03/11/2002 04:34 PM PST
hmm being wahever about everythin...it has a become a habit i'd say...coz the jaded ppl would hav some goals that are unreachable maybe?...nothin else matters. but yea it's a good pt that u brought up.
Posted by alex [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/11/2002 02:15 PM PST
Posted by Dark Cock [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/11/2002 01:57 PM PST
No, actually, I'm saying that people should attempt to re-find that joy that kids have in little things without balancing it out with that world-crushing like sadness.
If people who were completely jaded could find joys in small things again, perhaps their lives could be a little happier, a little more carefree instead of always being 'whatevers' about everything.
Posted by kim @ 03/11/2002 12:57 PM PST
Are you saying it's better to be oblivious to harsher realities that happen so often here and to so many people?
Posted by Marc [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/11/2002 03:31 AM PST
wow ....... that all i have to say bout that .. :
Posted by ahprie [e-meo]
@ 03/10/2002 01:39 PM PST
thats me.
Posted by carlo [e-meo]
[virtual dwelling]
@ 03/10/2002 01:30 PM PST
"nods" that's totally true...i guess in a sense it really depends on which stage in life you are, how much you have accomplished, and how many times you have crashed and fell on your ass crying. a lot of things has became cold and useless to satisfy one's mind and heart, because the different goals we held from now and then. just in like a relationship maybe? pursuing after someone who's made impossible to reach, that lights up the fire in some of us, not because we are crazy in love with that person, it simply comes down to playing and win the game...to win that he or she. what happen after we started going out? at 1st we'd hav that rush of happiness and joy...like saying yay! i am not a loser! then it's gone, break up and look for new one. "shrug" heheee...and i guess the jaded ppl has really been deprived and blinded from what could make others happy; it's quite sad no?
take care
Posted by alex [virtual dwelling]
@ 03/10/2002 01:13 PM PST