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just say it

writing shouldn't be a heart-wrenching gut churning affair. writing here shouldn't make me nervous, shouldn't make me feel afraid of who might read it. i shouldn't feel scared that people will judge me -- they'll do it anyway. these feelings are unwarrented . . .

but they're still here.


It's a constant struggle day to day, not to feel upset, not to be depressed, not to dwell on how loser-ish I feel. No matter how much I accomplish, how cocky I act, my insecurities come back to bite me in the ass. I hate this shit.

I feel the need to explain myself more:
The last few days I've just been constantly filled with these feelings of self-doubt, self-hate, and mad insecurities. The weirdest part is that I don't even know why I'm being plagued with these feelings. It's not like anything worse is happening around me than it ever has before... it's not like good things aren't happening.

I have a wonderful boyfriend. I got an A- in the class that I was expecting to do really badly in. (The class i was stressing out about the most). I have friends. I have my car keys again, after losing them for an entire week. I'm not lacking anything....

and yet there's still this nagging feeling... Maybe I should mark this as the beginning of a period of abstinence from illegal substances.

Or maybe I should seek out some more. :)


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Posted by Kim @ 01:21 PM PST

22 have spoken

Kim is the shittt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's all I have to say about that. Pack that sheet. Phorshorder.

Posted by Jesus [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 04/03/2002 01:48 AM PST

sounds like you've got quite the thrill ride goin' on. i'm sure millions can empathize with you, but in the end, what the hell does empathy get you? an empty matchbook and no cigarettes. i must admit, you're a proficient, at the least, writer, with a strong command of this hazardous language of ours. i doubt you're seeking compliments, though. yeah. if i may ask, why *do* you keep an online journal here? are you looking for insight into your own life? do you just want to know what others think? are you searching for something, someone? there are who-knows-how-many people obsessing over these online journal things now.. quite hideous, really, but i like yours.


Posted by impaired- @ 03/31/2002 02:18 AM PST

hey, i think people here do care, otherwise they wouldn't be reading it. ^^ and as for that one guy below me, he meant well, he was probably just in a bad mood, leaving in all those cuss words and whatnot. and pleese don't succumb to religion at a time like this. be strong like will.

Posted by whatever @ 03/31/2002 01:00 AM PST

Hi Kim! Hey! How'd you make your boobs look so nice in ur webcam/39.jpg?? hehe :p Forgive my impertinance! And dude..did you ever try a boob-enhancement cream thing?? I REALLY want to try.... but i dunno about kno.. the stupid gimmick thing

Posted by Joni @ 03/31/2002 12:55 AM PST

heheh no one gives a fucking shit!! LOl!!!!! teehee!!

Posted by hehe! @ 03/30/2002 02:43 AM PST

bullshit.. smoke all the weed you want, you're still gonna feel like shit when you fall off your cloud. my advice, focus less on yourself, and more on others. force yourself to do things other than moping around. have someone to fall back on, not to bitch at, but have fun with. if focusing on your depression doesn't work, why would keep at it? ignore it. do something else for a change.

Posted by careless [e-meo] @ 03/29/2002 07:13 PM PST

I know how you feel. Even when things are great, life can still suck. I have no idea why it is like this. Maybe you are just missing something? Or maybe your true feelings are coming out. I don't know... Life is confusing, but oh well.. that's life. Even the happiest of people will be depress sometime...

Posted by thang [virtual dwelling] @ 03/29/2002 12:30 AM PST

wow. people who have never seen personal pages before. interesting.

Posted by kim @ 03/27/2002 07:49 PM PST

Hah no kidding a fan page dedicated to ur own fuckin' self. Sick.

Posted by HAH @ 03/27/2002 05:20 PM PST

I think I know how you feel.... :(

Posted by Roci @ 03/27/2002 02:10 PM PST

I was starting to believe that I was the only one who felt that way around this time. I don't know what it is, and if somebody asks me whats wrong, I wouldn't know what to say. It's just a feeling. I guess it's a little different for me because I doubt myself all the time. I always wonder whether I do the right things or not, whether it be with school or relationships.. bah. Just thinking about it, it gets me mad at myself. I think most of my problem has to do with not trying, but I'm still not sure. I guess this is as close I have gotten to getting an answer to my problem.
But i'll tell ya what helps a little is just to stop for time, because time isn't going to stop for you, well it hasn't happened for me yet, anyway. I know that taking a vacation is just like taking a trip away from the problem, and when you come back it'll still be there, and searching for God is like trying to solve the mysteries of life, because for some it just leads to more questions and confusion. I'm starting to realize that time is moving by so fast, and few of us have a lot of time to stop and think about what we're doin' you know? so yeah, mm k I feel like this is my blog now.. hehe, sienara. =P

Posted by markparadox [e-meo] @ 03/26/2002 02:22 AM PST

Mmmm. I know the feeling; I have it most of the time too (or is that all the time?). I've yet to find a universal cure for it... ways I've found is to get rid of it:

-go seek out some friends to be with & hang out. Get your mind off it.
-listen to music that makes you feel good, happy, and possibly at peace
-go somewhere, especially somewhere natural. Since we're in Irvine most of the time (and you have a car) the Beach is an excellent option. But even Aldritch Park has a few spots that you can relax and enjoy nature in (yes, I'm serious, I can show you where if you need).

I'd offer you a hug, but I suspect your b/f wouldn't approve (& I never see you anyway *grimace*)...

Hope you find ways to get rid of the feeling. You know my s/n if you want to chat about it.

Posted by Greg Schwartz [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 03/25/2002 07:02 PM PST

nobody needs god. we need god as much as we need the easter bunny

Posted by FireZ @ 03/25/2002 11:17 AM PST

This feeling you have is a feeling of guilt. All that you have done and you feel as if your still in the same place. What you need is change. A change in what if YOUR change will only lead you back in the same place. A feeling nothingness. What is nothing when you have it all. yet nothing continues to remain leaving you empty and in self doubt. What you need is everything, but you will never have anything because in your has to be given to you. you strive...but what do you strive for.....the desolution of your mind only consists of the nothingness in your answer.....................................................................YOU NEED GOD.

Posted by ... [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 03/24/2002 12:50 PM PST

illegal substances are probably what caused you to spawn this awful website.

wow. Is this a fan page dedicated to yourself?

It appears that way. Take it down, spare us from the additions to what is already a horrible internet experience.

Posted by doubt the rest. @ 03/23/2002 06:30 PM PST

sweeet, you got a boyfriend! who is he? i want to know the goods!

Posted by shozo @ 03/22/2002 05:43 PM PST

what's your boyfriend's name. where did you meet and how long have you been together???

Posted by Anonymous @ 03/22/2002 10:19 AM PST

seek out more... but don't exceed the limit

that may make things clearer or foggier, either way it's a different perspective that the current one

Posted by ameer [virtual dwelling] @ 03/22/2002 02:07 AM PST

The only time I start to feel depressed about things is exactly when everything is going wonderfully and I should have nothing to worry about.
For me, it's usually after some big stressful period, and having nothing anymore to worry about, I worry about pointless things to keep myself busy.
I hope it passes for you.

Posted by Kitsune [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 03/21/2002 08:40 PM PST

Well, after JUST reading from above, i think you really have nothing to be insecure, self doubted, or depressed about, everything is just the same and somewhat great, nothing really bad, maybe that could be the problem? nothing bad has happend or is happening and because of that, maybe you feel like that is missing, which is causing you to have these worries and ect. Maybe you don't wanna except the fact that you're smart, talented, and pretty, ya know? I mean, some people have problems if everything is just "fine" they need drama, they need bad stuff happening? could that possibly be it w/ you?lol but heck, i don't really know ya in real life, so who am i to say? lol thats just my thoughts tho, and yea, maybe it is because you stoped using "illegal substances" whatever the case, HAPPY! hehe ^_^

Posted by KayKay [e-meo] @ 03/21/2002 06:34 PM PST

Not that there should be any doubt, but despite this "loser-ish" feeling, you aren't a loser. Not that it means a lot coming from me.

Why would "abstinence from illegal substances" help you out any? There's plenty of perfectly-legal ways to get depressed (soap operas, daily newspaper, etc) and plenty of "illegal" (bah) ways to relieve it.

Oh, and congratulations on the A-.

Posted by Arichi [e-meo] @ 03/21/2002 06:30 PM PST

what's missing?


Posted by Nicholas [e-meo] @ 03/21/2002 05:40 PM PST

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