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bad luck?

so i've had a really crazy strain of randomly bad luck lately.

about a month back, i planned a trip to san diego with my roommate to go visit some friends down there that i've been promising to visit for over two years. of course, all of those friends just happen to be out of town on that exact same weekend! how great. so i ended up spending time with my roommate and her friend -- and her friend's roommates. not that that was very bad, but it still was a little awkward for me. anyhow, that same night i went to my first frat party. as i was stepping into the dancing room some [possibly drunken] girl gets up on a wobbly table, promptly falls off, grasps at the air and randomly grabs my glasses as the first thing she can grab and flings them into the raging mass of drunken people.

i was the driver. i didn't have any other glasses or contacts.


so that was bad. that was just the first in the long string of bad that began to happen. and then i got sick. really really sick. as in a fever every night for almost two weeks and a cough so bad that i couldn't eat because my coughing would push the food out again-- and just to top everything off i started to have drama with people at the same time. it seemed [especially while i was sick and getting a fever every night for a week] that one drama after another after another began to pile upon each other. -- that just happened to be the same week hella things were due. applications for shit, homework, tests, the semi-formal we've been planning, the fashion show, job offerings, job interviews... work and crap just piled up on each other.

i nearly had a nervous breakdown.

but, not to worry, things seem to be looking up for me. the good news is that all of this urged me to go into therapy. the bad news is, the therapy is going into that 'it must get worse before it gets better' stage. the good news is, i'm healthy again. the good news is, the teachers are letting me turn in things late. i got the job. the semi-formal was great. i turned in my applications late and they're still interviewing me [and i have a 99% chance of getting the job].

it's nice to be able to be detatched from the string of bad luck enough so that i can actually write about it. i thought it would never end. that i would never get out of it. i don't know how many times i cried myself to sleep during those weeks. it was tough... but at least i'm alive and well. :D


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Posted by Kim @ 02:00 AM PST

9 have spoken

This is great news Kim. I am so happy to see you emerging from your funk.

Posted by Vernon [e-meo] @ 04/28/2002 10:23 PM PST

holy shit, three layouts at once? i don't think my feeble heart can take the excitement!

Posted by saint [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 04/28/2002 09:46 PM PST

o shit... the layout changes... cooooooooool.

Posted by justin again @ 04/28/2002 09:45 PM PST

layouts so orange... me like ;)

Posted by bustin a justin [virtual dwelling] @ 04/28/2002 09:44 PM PST

noice layout!!! I'm soooooooo diggin. Just thought I'd say that. And I'm also madd happy that everything is going okay for you now. Peacer outer phorshorder. Yes yesser.

Posted by jesus [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 04/28/2002 06:41 PM PST

P.S. I like your new layout.

Posted by Michelle @ 04/28/2002 11:47 AM PST

Kim, I'm glad things are looking better for you. It seemed that for the last ... month or more? ... you were completely depressed. It's good to see that somehow in someway things are improving.

Posted by Michelle [virtual dwelling] @ 04/28/2002 11:46 AM PST

at least this story has a happy ending... i hope.
i always have spare glasses and use none of them hahaha. damn. i can see well without them anyway...

Posted by rounin [virtual dwelling] @ 04/28/2002 09:51 AM PST

hey! why am i up this late studying on a sat?? but anyways, cool site you got here, sorry to hear 'bout your woes
- big (getting there) red afro guy

Posted by ed @ 04/28/2002 04:02 AM PST

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