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saying so much

All my friends that are out of the loop are completely aghast at how well I write so much and yet tell absolutely nothing about my life. It was different when i was hanging out with them, I guess, because they could figure out what I was talking about (that, and i was less vague before). These days, it's the same. People who are constantly around me know exactly what I'm writing about where the people who don't have no idea.

I kind of want to write more, explain clearly the things that happen. Gossip, say exactly why a certain event has made me feel that way.

However, I'm a lazy person. I will only write so much no matter what I write about. Expending my energy on actually explaining myself would cut down on the time that I spend reflecting on the way things have affected me.

Though it would probably be easier for people to give me advice if they knew what was going on. kim's new goal: give better background on current situation.


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Posted by Kim @ 09:32 PM PST

6 have spoken

dude, who the fuck cares if the whole world knows. you don't need to explain shit, and if you got 12 comments every post by everyone putting in their 2 cents, before this one of course (because you just told them they couldn't possibly understand fully), thinking that they know you as well as someone like john .p. or anyone else you know... how much do you really need to explain yourself?

there are so many vaguely sexist, but praising comments here that are as worthless as 90% of the praises on my guestbook just because someone wants to leave their email addresses and websites on the front page in the hopes that somehow maybe you'll look at them and smile. ever since i was on the internet i come to realize the net is like a big high school now-- completely based on how beautiful you look online and intellectual sounding online. write for yourself, girl, i mean with good writing like you have done before and will do again you can improve the veracity and honesty of your comments from people that will take you seriously as a writer, not a girl writer.

Posted by dave @ 05/12/2002 02:16 PM PST

i totally agree with saint. i am lost most of the time that i come to this site. but when i really sit down and read what you are saying, it makes me think on what i can do to make myself a better person. i feel for you and what you are going through, but always remember: things will eventually get better. life is not just black and white. it is a myriad of colors and feelings that is to be explored to the fullest. if all of us had an existence that was plain and simple, humanity would have died out long ago. then what would be the reason to go on living if nothing changed. we would all stagnate and die off.
i hope that this might have helped you a little (maybe not).
also i like the new format. ciao~

Posted by pariah [e-meo] @ 05/08/2002 07:50 PM PST

sup brainfart, interesting how if you really didn't give a fuck or couldn't care less you wouldn't have bothered to comment...

apparently, however, you cared enough to share your (immature) thoughts on the matter.

and to kim, thanks for the promise for more details.. i'm always lost... :\

Posted by saint [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 05/08/2002 05:31 PM PST

It's funny that you think we give a fuck! Well most of you assholes do, but a lot of us couldn't careless. Spare us. Please.

Posted by brainfartchild [e-meo] [virtual dwelling] @ 05/08/2002 03:59 PM PST

très impressionnant. you probably receive more feedback and input as a result of this website than most people do in their entire lives, regarding such issues as upon you write. i'd think that since you've been at it such a lengthy time, and given the considerable quantity of posts, opinions, replies and suggestions as you've received, that if you don't have things 'figured out' now then you probably never will. i think that's how it's supposed to go, really. where'd be the point if we knew what and why we were doing?


Posted by imp- [e-meo] @ 05/07/2002 08:24 PM PST

Umm I think it's probably good now. If they want to know more, they can ask you about it or you can figure out another way to do it. I think filling in the blanks of entries with names, be they little white, average yellow or big black has a large potential to come back and bite you in the ass in the future, given the nature of the situations :).
Yeah it's nice to inform the old and new friends, but given the amount of traffic try to account for new and future acquaintances.

Posted by bzzt @ 05/07/2002 09:09 AM PST

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