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The Truth

The truth has been a re-occuring subject on this site. I struggle with it as much as I struggle with who I am, my lack of motivation and my dibilitating psychological impairment.

The other day, one of the people who most strongly urged me to always tell the truth said "why didn't you just lie?" when I became upset about a situation I had gotten into because I was a bit too truthful about something.

I've noticed, as well, that while I have made a conscientious effort to be as truthful as I can be to people, I see more of other people's lies as well. This bothers me because most of these same people during the time that I was struggling with truth claimed with ultimate self-righteousness that even bending the truth or telling half truths is something that should never be done.

I wish I didn't see other people's lies. I want to go back to non-conscientiousness, cluelesness, and blindly believe lies. Why should I not just see people for how they want to be portrayed? Why look further than what they WANT me to believe?


Another subject with the same name, I have been thinking about being an active participant with "The Truth" knowledge-passing thing again. After an enlightening conversation with my brother on the way up to NorCal, I realized that one of the reasons that I am afflicted so often with bronchial infections is probably because of the amount of second-hand smoke that I ingest into my body.

That, and the fact that smoking is bad for the smokers themselves. Many of the people that I have become close to since entering college smoke and it has always been fairly bothersome to me, though I try to ignore it.

I don't want to ignore it anymore.


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Posted by Kim @ 12:30 AM PST

2 have spoken

Lying helps absolutly nothing especially when you can just be honest.Honesty is one attribute few people can say they have. So I urge you to stay truthful.

Posted by Britt [e-meo] @ 12/11/2002 06:57 AM PST

The truth hurts... as much as it has been said over and over again... people don't want to hear it because they are afraid of learning the truth and would rather believe in lies for their own comfort.

Posted by Vanessa [virtual dwelling] @ 12/10/2002 08:29 PM PST

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