[Previous entry: "best friends"]
back in the day..Two years ago around this time I didn't have time to write in my blog because I was so busy enjoying life. I was busy with school, friends, preparing for college, loving everything. One year ago around this time I had just began medicating myself for bi-polar disorder. I was too busy trying to enjoy life that I couldn't enjoy it.
I wrote: Today I feel Today I feel like I'm at the same place I was a year ago, yet so far away. I've advanced in that I have found my ability to be happy again, however, I'm in the same place because of late I've been getting anxiety attacks again. Now, though, I have vowed not to medicate myself because I realise that I can't really feel happy on meds without wondering if the happiness is fabricated. Where will I be a year from now, I wonder? ----
[Link] [2 have spoken] [Archives] Posted by Kim @ 11:59 AM PST
2 have spoken
I know this prolly doesn't mean much, and might be cliche, but Don't worry be happy. Sometimes I don't understand what you're righting about. But, If you're sad there's always our apartment thats welcome for you to come make up cheers and play video games.
Posted by Larry @ 06/06/2003 12:31 AM PST
I also know what it's like to suffer from anxiety attacks.
Posted by phantom309 [e-meo]
@ 06/04/2003 04:57 PM PST